Sarasota’s Rosemary District is alive & well and a GREAT place to explore!
Happy New Year! As the saying goes for a new year, “out with the old, in with the new” but not necessarily in the Rosemary District of Sarasota. Within the last year the Rosemary District has been coming alive with new businesses, condos, apartments, and restaurants right next to historic buildings and areas. Take a walking tour through the Rosemary District starting at 5th Street and Central Avenue and head north. You will find many salons, dance studios, pet salon, Uptown Eatery open for breakfast and lunch, the Grace Howl gallery of contemporary art, Central Avenue Express convenient store, a wellness spa, kickboxing, home decorating shops, and much more. Just east of Lemon Avenue and 6th Street (Boulevard of the Arts) is Sarasota Kayak Tours Outpost/Bike Sarasota for rentals. You could eat your way through the Rosemary District between Central…
January 21, 2019